Sober Living

5 Ways to Drink Less Alcohol

Recommendations from the World Health Organization include implementing pricing policies, regulating marketing practices, reducing availability, and enforcing drink-driving countermeasures. These measures can contribute to reducing alcohol-related harm and promoting public health. Gradual reduction, professional support, and smart strategies for success. Learn more about alcohol withdrawal here and, once again, speak to a doctor first. As …

5 Ways to Drink Less Alcohol Leer más »

How to Properly Store Urine for a Drug Test: Guidelines and Tips

You’ll find your urine sample has either been boiled or cooked unevenly in the microwave, and it won’t pass a drug test this way. In any case, make sure you follow the microwave heating instruction on your urine sample. The storing direction for man-made urine will look different than when compared to human urine. Synthetic …

How to Properly Store Urine for a Drug Test: Guidelines and Tips Leer más »